Companion to British and American Essays

The Timeless World of a Play by Tennessee Williams: Summary

Classical Greek tragedies were really excellent. The actors wore masks, moved like dancers and used highly literary language. The Greek audiences considered all these artificial things quite normal. Perhaps they supposed that the created world of a p ...More

The Timeless World of a Play by Tennessee Williams: Commentary

The Timeless World of a Play by Williams elaborates upon the generally accepted idea that art in any form captures and makes significant action, emotion, or mood 'in a world outside of time'. He pleads for greater understanding and for a recognition ...More

On the Road by Joan Didion: Analysis

Didion starts her essay with the question; Where are we heading? She never gets its answer. The broadcast discourse lengthens but still the question remains as it is. Afterwards, her journey to different parts of America changes her attitude. Though ...More

On the Road by Joan Didion: Commentary

"On the Road" is a narrative essay. Even though there is a persuasive dimension to the narrative essay, it is best approached first of all through its narrative elements. The basic elements of narration are a story and a storyteller. In a story we ha ...More

On the Road by Joan Didion: Summary

Joan Didion made a book tour in order to advertise her fourth book in 1977. In this course she visited many radio and TV studios in America. In all studios she was asked the question "Where are we going?" But she never learned the answer because it w ...More

In the Animals' Court by Mark Twain: Summary and Analysis

The evidence showed that the Rabbit joined the army by compulsion but deserted it when he had to confront the enemy. Before passing death sentence, he justified that he had not violated the law but obeyed the law of God, which proved that the rabbit ...More

The Battle of the Ants by Henry David Thoreau: Critical Commentary

In the essay 'The Battle of the Ants' Thoreau is concerned with an event; he has a story to tell. And like any essayist, he also has a persuasive purpose, a purpose, like that of any narrative essayist, is to offer an interpretation of the story – ...More

The Battle of the Ants by Henry David Thoreau: Summary

The essay The Battle of the Ants is extracted from Walden, is the detail description of the war of the ants, with minute detail that is unnoticeable to us. The minute observation of the war has manipulated Thoreau's thoughts to a great deal, heading ...More

Our Graves in Gallipoli by E. M. Forster: Summary

On the summit of Achi Baba, there were two graves covered by a single heap of stones. There was no monument because the graves were unnoticed during the official survey. The two graves became important after seven years. Every day- the distinguished ...More

Our Graves in Gallipoli by E. M. Forster: Critical Commentary

The intention of Forster's essay is clearly persuasive, just as its form is clearly dramatic. According to the analytic procedures, the form of any given essay dictates the critical approach to be used in understanding it. This means that we should e ...More