The Force That Through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower by Dylan Thomas: Summary and Analysis

Dylan Thomas is a Welsh Poet who composed this poem in 1933 and published for the first time in the collection 18 Poems in 1934. The celebration of single force operative in the nature and man, living and dead has made the poet neo-romantic. He regards nature as the living organism of which we are the parts.

Sun, Jun 03 2018

The Waking by Theodore Roethke: Summary and Analysis

The Waking is the last poem in the collection of The Waking published in 1953. Roethke received the Prestigious Pulitzer Prize in 1954 for this collection of poetry. The poet is influenced by American Romanticism, especially Whitman's notion of 'eternity of life'. Whitman’s life does not end with death rather continues; forms change, the essence does not change, life continues hereafter in another form.

Sun, Jun 03 2018

Filling Station by Elizabeth Bishop: Summary and Analysis

Filling Station by Elizabeth Bishop, an American writer, who won the Pulitzer Prize for poetry in 1956 published this poem in her third volume, Questions of Travel. Filling Station provides many possibilities of different interpretation due to its play with sound and language.

Sun, Jun 03 2018

The Persian Version by Robert Graves: Summary and Analysis

Robert Graves, one of the veterans of the First World War, wrote this poem during the the Second World War. Written from the point of view of the Persians or from the point of view of the vanquished, this poem is a marginal point of view. So, this history is not a story, but is a high-story. The Persian version of history of the battle of Marathon is a counterattack on the Greek version of history.

Sat, Jun 02 2018

The Negro Speaks of Rivers by Langston Hughes: Summary and Analysis

The Negro Speaks of Rivers is one of Hughes’s most famous poems. The poem is written in first person speaker 'I' where the 'I' stand for all the African-American people and their collective voices for the freedom. This poem is also taken as the adoring acceptance of the poet’s own race and its root.

Thu, May 31 2018

since feeling is first by Edward Estlin Cummings: Summary and Analysis

since feeling is first is a short lyric poem by modern American poet E. E. Cumming. The breaking of the traditional typography corresponds with his desire to break the social norms and values and celebrate love in this poem.

Thu, May 31 2018

A Noiseless Patient Spider by Walt Whitman: Summary and Analysis

The poem 'A Noiseless Patient Spider' starts with the repetition of the title as 'A noiseless patient spider' to create an image in the mind of readers. A spider is personified when it is given the human characteristics like noiseless and patient in the poem. The speaker is looking at this tiny creature and wants us to feel about it.

Wed, May 30 2018

Dulce et Decorum est by Wilfred Owen: Summary and Analysis

Dulce et Decorum est is one of the well-known anti-war poems of Wilfred Owen written in 1917 and published posthumously in 1920. His war poems are famous for horrific imagery and vehement criticism of war and its aftermath. In this poem, the poet sadly and ironically disagrees with the age old message that war is glorious and it is great honor to die for the sake of one's motherland.

Wed, May 30 2018

The Fish by Marianne Moore: Summary and Analysis

The Fish by Marianne Moore is an Imagist poem where the visual element dominates the poem. It is not only about the fish, but also about the stunning and yet, distressing view of the ocean, its various creatures, and the life and death cycles.

Wed, May 30 2018

Hurt Hawks by Robinson Jeffers: Summary and Analysis

Hurt Hawks is one of the best known poems of Robinson Jeffers which is divided into two parts, each standing for a complete poem, yet closely related. He has used powerful imagery and his tone in this poem is nihilistic. Through the medium of the hawk, Robinson Jeffers makes the commentary upon the human race.

Tue, May 29 2018