Phenomenology and Romantic Aesthetics

Joining with the aesthetics reconfiguration of Kant, Harold Bloom asserts that this reconfiguration is primarily related with the "individual psychology". On the other hand, Geoffrey Hartman says, "it is a phenomenological encounter between nature and the human imagination."

The object (aesthetic object) is counted or is important up to this point for the — developmental psychology and growth of consciousness. Hartman's work is like an account of "Romantic solipsism" or "individual psychobiography". In his sense there is a kind of blending of consciousness and the objects. He mentions, "Things may be lost in each other, but they are not lost to each other". The identity of an individual perceiver has been always like a fluid, "participating in the various objects that have become objects through what once would have counted as subjective perception". Romantic nature poetry is for Hartman, then, not the sight of the simplicity of the naturalness of nature, but of phenomenological context.