The Mayor of Casterbridge as a Novel of Contemporary Social Reality

Contemporary social reality's reflection in The Mayor of Casterbridge is one of the most important aspects. The social condition of 1970's together with the male dominated society is one of the most striking aspects of the novel.

Thomas Hardy

It was thought that it is the husband's duty to feed their family. Why Susan Henchard couldn't protest against Michel Henchard's decision of selling like as an animal is very symbolic aspect to draw the picture of the actual social condition of contemporary social reality. The whole events of the novel are in the position of contemporary social realism. By social realism we mean social nature of reality. In other words, social realism means the position, nature and structure of society. Hardy represents the social reality of a country named Wessex during the 19th century.

As a novelist Hardy was deeply obsessed with the process of change in countryside Wessex around the mid and late nineteenth century. There were so many superstitions beliefs prevailed in his society. The concept of family structure and the responsibility of any family member, domination of the agro based economy, dominating of women by men, influence of modernization, etc. are some of the aspects to depict the social realism in the novel.

One of the most striking aspects of social realism in The Mayor of Casterbridge is the condition of women in contemporary society. Susan Henchard is the wife of Michel Henchard. We can see that how Susan is compelled to be sold like an animal, in drunk yard mood and she is forced to be sold. This is very striking elements of the male dominated society of the contemporary period. Females are forced to do whatever their husbands order. They can't protest against their husband's command. They are pictured completely helpless through the novel. Not only that, but also searching her own previous husband who had sold her previously even after a long time is the vision of another pathetic and male- depended picture of contemporary society. The husband is the most responsible person to feed his family in that society. So the depiction of Susan Henchard in completely husband depended position and her movement, according to the command of her husband is one of the major social realities of Hardy's society during the contemporary time.

On the other side feminism was on the rise and old paternalistic chanvinism was on the decline. In the novel Lucetta asserts. 'Don't think I am Lucetta, an old Lucetta, I am Lucetta Templeman.' This show Lucetta Templeman was assertive. She knew Henchard is very, very domineering. He is unnecessarily possessive. To protect her sense of dignity and freedom she was time and again expressed her assertive tone. As soon as she found Farfral more progressive, talent, polite and understandable she rejected Henchard and moved towards Farfrae. She was very conscious of her superiority. She wanted to live in a high place. This desire of Lucetta to live in 'High Place reveal her psychic need to reach higher ambition. From her life and her behavior we can know about one aspect of social realism, that is a significant change in the world of female perception and pride.

Another important social reality pictured in the novel is the depiction of the agro based economy of contemporary society. The means of earning money have been pictured by the agriculture. The economic downfall of Henchard is depended up on the progress of agriculture throughout the novel. In the same way the influence of modernization in contemporary society is another important aspect of the depiction of social realism in the society. The concept of Lucetta who changes her name from French to English is one of the examples which shows the influence of modernization in the mind of Lucetta. So the traditional concept of Lucetta has been presented in influencing from the novel, which is another important aspect of social reality. In this way Hardy gives the vision of social reality in different layers in the novel. The depiction of female, picture of Wessex society in the form of agro-based economy, the influence of modern concept, husband's responsibility and position all these aspects give a kind of vision of social realism in contemporary society. So the novel The Major of Casterbridge is the novel of contemporary social reality.