Compare and Contrast Between Tschubukov and Lomov

Tschubukov is land-owner and so is Lomov. But he's terribly hypochondriac in spite of his good health. Lomov is a bachelor of thirty-five and not so energetic, suffers from heart problems. He feels inferior to be Natalia's bride, however, he has the audacity to establish a marital relationship with her.

Anton Chekhov(1860-1904)

He is willing to ask for the hand of Tschubukov's daughter. Tschubukov also has been yearning this for ages. He is overjoyed when Lomov proposes. He has always loved Lomov like a son. He thinks that Lomov is handsome and that Natalia is sure to accept his proposal.

Lomov is nervous and gets excited very soon. He can't explain the purpose of his visit to Tschubukov. When Natalia comes in, he is all the more nervous and loses his balance of mind. He gives a long introduction and never comes to the point. Tschubukov is a practical-minded person, but sometimes he also loses his balance of mind. Without properly understanding the situation, he gets involved into the quarrel. Accepting Lomov's proposal and informing his daughter shows his right attitude.

Lomov is quarrelsome and easily gets irritated. He has no self-control. He shouts and abuses his neighbor. He loses all senses of good manners and decency. Tschubukov also behaves in a foolish way. Actually, he should have controlled himself and behaved like a gentleman. Both of them are so stupid that they drag their ancestors into their petty quarrel. Lomov seems stupid from the beginning to the end, but Tschubukov regains his balance of mind and makes the purpose of Lomov's visit. He is a realist.

A Marriage Proposal Study Center

Summary of A Marriage Proposal

Tschubukov and Natalia's Anger to Lomov

Natalia’s Attitude Towards Lomov

Biography of Anton Chekhov