Re-reading the 17th Century Canonical Authors

Some of the authors of this period have been studied interestingly but some of the great authors are still left -behind. There has been no any such groundbreaking work on Marvell.

Herbert also is not studied interestingly. Some few worthy books on Herbert have been published. Stanley Fish’s, "Living Temple: George Herbert and Catechizing and Richard Strier's Love Known: Theology and Experience in George Herbert’s Poetry, but these books are more about traditional ways of interpretation and the theoretically based interpretation is lightly applied. The theorists are less interested with the metaphysical poets but new critics have paid deep interest in re-reading metaphysical poets.

Jonathan Goldberg's, James I and the Politics of Literature: Jonson, Donne, and Their Contemporaries is another important book on seventeenth century. This book is concerned more about new historicist attitude towards Elizabethan period. Though there is an influential interest of new historicism but there have been several notable attempts to extend the "new mannerism" into the seventeenth century. The above-mentioned book by - Goldberg measures the fallout of the Romanizing political ideology of seventeenth century in art and architecture. The search for autonomy in theatre influenced the Jacobean culture. Goldberg's book resembles Foucault's work in its combination of historical details.

David Norbook is another important figure of seventeenth century studies, his book, Poetry and Politics in the English Renaissance is important for extensive literary interpretations of literary history. In this book authors are categorized on the basis of their presumed attitudes toward masquing, court morality, foreign policy, and protestant apocalyptism. Norbook described the poetic conservatism in Jonson and Milton's recovery of prophetic strain in Spenser. Norbook's technique is not to read the poem but to circle them with rings of political associations.

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