Our Graves in Gallipoli by E. M. Forster: Summary

On the summit of Achi Baba, there were two graves covered by a single heap of stones. There was no monument because the graves were unnoticed during the official survey. The two graves became important after seven years. Every day- the distinguished persons talked about them. They used the phrase "the sanctity of the our graves in Gallipoli."

E. M. Forster (1879-1970)

First, an elderly artist designed the picture to illustrate the war and wrote "our" graves. His intention was to earn enough money. From that time onward all the politicians started using the phrase "our graves".

Now the Prime Minister of England, Lloyd George was advised to go to war to protect the graves. But there would more graves of those who would be killed while protecting the graves of Gallipoli. The politicians were keen on spending more money on the graves of the heroes. But they were unwilling to spend a penny for anything else.

Although the world leaders did not know the meaning of 'freedom' they all agreed that all nations were free to fight in war. But why England wanted war was difficult to explain. It was not for freedom. Perhaps she fought to fulfil the desire of the rich men to become richer. Since the rich men were few in number, they sent the poor to fight on their behalf. If the rich themselves went, they might be seriously injured at once. In order to persuade the poor English young men, they coined the phrase "the sanctity of our graves in Gallipoli" This phrase was uttered so repeatedly by all the people in the nation that the youth, being ashamed, thought that it was the call of their country.

Seven years before, the Englishmen used the Greek Youths also to take more gold and more oil from Asia. Both the enemy, the Turk, and the friends were killed. They were buried indiscriminately in the graves of Gallipoli. The first Grave was an Englishman's grave and the Second Grave was a Turk's grave. While they had been alive they fought like enemy. But now they were brothers because they were dead. This unity sanctified them. But the living people never learned this truth.

More about Our Graves in Gallipoli

Commentary of Our Graves in Gallipoli

Biography of E. M. Forster
